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District Leader

 As a district leader, you drive change and lead the way in introducing new and effective approaches to staffing a classroom and improving instruction. Doing so brings a variety of benefits, such as increasing teacher satisfaction and retention, better addressing the diverse needs of your students, and—most importantly—improving student learning outcomes. Regardless of your district’s specific goals, you hold great influence in creating flexibility and eliminating barriers that hinder educator growth and student achievement. As a district leader, you can develop strong pathways for career growth for highly effective teachers, secure funds for school-based innovation, and partner directly with preparation programs to refine pipelines to the classroom.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Advocate District Leader Ed Prep Leader State Leader

District Spotlights

Mesa Public

Discover how Mesa Public Schools partnered with Arizona State University to embed team teaching districtwide.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Learn how Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools partnered with Public Impact and grew its teacher leadership pathways program to include over 100 schools.

Ector County Independent School District

Discover how Ector County Independent School District, with the support of Public Impact, “started small” before expanding its strategic staffing initiative districtwide to dramatically reduce teacher attrition.

Recommended Actions for District Leaders

  • Key Questions to Consider

    • What problems are we trying to solve in our district? In what ways will redesigning teaching roles or new staffing models help us meet our goals? Which model or approach can best address those goals?
    • What support or skills do we need from a technical assistance partner? How are we evaluating potential technical assistance partners to help us implement a new staffing model?
    • What kind of partnership might we build with teacher prep programs in our region to include student teachers in strategic staffing models?
    • How are we creating flexibility for schools to use their funds for differentiated compensation?
      • How are we considering compensation opportunities, such as increasing pay for teacher leader roles?
      • How are we paying extended-reach teachers who earn more for teaching more students?
      • How are we including other types of staff, such as residents and paraprofessionals?
    • What systems do we need to effectively monitor implementation?
    • Did we include a research and evaluation component to help us study and learn from implementation?
    • How are we communicating with the broader community about these changes?
    • How do we change our district systems, such as recruitment and teacher leader development, to support new staffing models?

    National Landscape Snapshot

    Explore how state policies impact a district’s ability to reimagine the teaching role and be strategic about staffing, and discover whether your state provides flexibility or funding to catalyze innovation.

    National Landscape Snapshot

    Class Size

    Teachers as Observers

    Team Outcomes

    Restrictions on the Use of Support Staff and Time

    Check Out My State Profile

    Learn more about policies in your state that can help or hinder a district’s ability to reimagine the teacher role and implement strategic staffing models. Each state profile also includes recommendations for decision-makers looking to explore strategic staffing models and opportunities for teacher leadership.

    Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

    Learn more about Recommended Teacher Contract Language

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    Models and Approaches

    Explore popular models that states and districts are leveraging to reimagine the teacher role.

    Opportunity Culture


    Next Education Workforce