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 Whether you are nonprofit leader, a teacher, or simply a concerned community member, advocates play a critical role in pushing districts and states to seed strategic staffing models and remove barriers that limit innovation. In addition to promoting policies and practices that support reimagining the teaching role, advocates can serve as an intermediary to provide support, sponsor site visits, conduct research, and more.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Advocate District Leader Ed Prep Leader State Leader

Advocate Spotlights



Learn how BEST NC supported the growth of the Advanced Teaching Roles program from a small pilot to a statewide initiative.

Tennessee SCORE


Discover the unique role that SCORE plays in advocating for the advancement of workforce-related policies.

Michigan Educator Workforce Initiative

Explore how the Michigan Educator Workforce Initiative is directly funding districts that are reimagining the teaching role.

Recommended Actions for Advocates

  • Key Questions to Consider

    • Who is our key audience (school leaders, school board members, business leaders, policymakers, etc.), and how can we effectively engage them to increase their awareness of and support for strategic school staffing?
    • What are the specific challenges faced by state, district, and education preparation program leaders? How could reimagining the teaching role address those challenges?
    • How can we connect districts with successful models and practitioners across the state (or from other states) to encourage knowledge sharing?
    • What data and research do we need to build a strong case for increased state support of innovative staffing models?
    • What metrics will we use to monitor progress and define the success of our advocacy efforts?

    National Landscape Snapshot

    Explore how state policies impact a district’s ability to reimagine the teaching role and be strategic about staffing, and discover whether your state provides flexibility or funding to catalyze innovation.

    National Landscape Snapshot

    Class Size

    Teachers of Observers

    Team Outcomes

    Restrictions on the Use of Support Staff and Time

    Check Out My State Profile

    Learn more about policies in your state that can help or hinder a district’s ability to reimagine the teacher role and implement strategic staffing models. Each state profile also includes recommendations for decision-makers looking to explore strategic staffing models and opportunities for teacher leadership.

    Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

    Models and Approaches

    Explore popular models that states and districts are leveraging to reimagine the teacher role.

    Next Education Workforce

    Education Resource Strategies

    Opportunity Culture