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State Leader

As a state leader, you shape, execute, and uphold policies that can either help or hinder a district’s ability to implement new staffing models. You have numerous opportunities to foster innovation. These include actions like developing grant programs or funding models to support differentiated compensation and advocating for waivers for well-intentioned but restrictive policies like class-size laws that may hinder school districts from meeting the needs of today’s students. In your role, you can provide districts with flexibility to carry out a well-developed plan to implement a different staffing model that meets student needs and increases outcomes. You can then monitor and evaluate results to make adjustments as necessary.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Advocate District Leader Ed Prep Leader State Leader

State Spotlights

Learn from three states that are leading the way in implementing policies to spur innovative strategic staffing models.

North Carolina

Explore how North Carolina supports districts transitioning to new staffing models that elevate teacher leaders as part of its Advanced Teaching Roles program.


Discover how “Districts of Innovation” throughout Texas spur staffing creativity to better meet student needs by exempting districts from certain state policies.

North Dakota

Learn how North Dakota “started small” to build a coalition of the willing committed to reimagining what teaching can look like.

Recommended Actions for State Leaders

  • Key Questions to Consider

    • How do my state’s current policies help or hinder districts in reimagining teaching roles and implementing strategic staffing models?
    • In what ways does my state provide financial support for districts to innovate, implement, and evaluate redesigned teaching roles?
    • In what ways does my state provide technical assistance opportunities to make this strategy cost neutral in the long term and sustain redesigned teaching roles?
    • Does our current state funding model provide districts flexibility to use funds to pay for different roles (teachers, paraprofessionals, residents, multi-classroom leaders)?
    • What data do we have to track outcomes and return on investment for innovative strategies to improve student outcomes and teacher retention? What data do we still need?
    • How is the state education agency aligning instructional initiatives such as reading reform and high-quality instructional materials with human capital efforts like strategic staffing models?

    National Landscape Snapshot

    Explore how state policies impact a district’s ability to reimagine the teaching role and be strategic about staffing, and discover whether your state provides flexibility or funding to catalyze innovation.

    See Full National Landscape

    Class Size

as Observers

    Team Outcomes

    Restrictions on
the Use of Support
Staff or Time

    Check Out My State Profile

    Learn more about policies in your state that can help or hinder a district’s ability to reimagine the teacher role or implement strategic staffing models. Each state profile also includes recommendations for decision-makers looking to explore strategic staffing models and opportunities for teacher leadership.

    Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

    Models and Approaches

    Explore popular models that states and districts are leveraging to reimagine the teacher role.

    Education Resource Strategies

    Next Education Workforce

    Opportunity Culture